Fullstack web development course

Class timings

GitHub repository



Class # Date Topics Required * Recommended Source code Assignments
1 May 24, 2023 Introduction to the course Introduction to Full-stack development
Website Terminologies
Softwares and Tooling for the Web
Client and Server for the Web
Basics of the World Wide Web
Source code
Softwares to install
2 May 27, 2023 Introduction to HTML and CSS Your first HTML page
HTML Basics 1
HTML Basics 2
IP addresses and Domain names
Anatomy of a URL
Source code
Hacker's Life
3 May 31, 2023 Fundamentals of HTML and CSS CSS Basics
Common HTML Tags 1
Common HTML Tags 2
CSS declarations and rules
CSS selectors
Exploring the Docs for Web dev Source code
Tipping Ball
4 Jun 3, 2023 Fundamentals of HTML and CSS CSS precedence
CSS length units
Common CSS properties
HTML basics (MDN)
CSS basics (MDN)
Source code
Hello Stairs
5 Jun 7, 2023 Fundamentals of HTML and CSS Common CSS properties (part-2)
Common CSS properties (part-3)
Common HTML Tags 3
CSS shorthand properties Source code
Log Me In
6 Jun 10, 2023 Basics of Git Git tutorial
Basics of Git
git clone
Git Bash
Common CLI commands
My First Repo
7 Jun 14, 2023 JavaScript Basics JavaScript: Data types, variables, operators
JavaScript: Operator precedence
JavaScript: Logical operators
Variables and Operators
8 Jun 17, 2023 JavaScript Basics JavaScript: Truthy and Falsy values
JavaScript: Short-circuit evaluation
JavaScript: Template literals
Source code Operations on variables
9 Jun 21, 2023 JavaScript Basics JavaScript: Function basics
JavaScript: Function parameters
JavaScript: If-else conditional
JavaScript: Ternary operator and Type coercion
Source code Using functions
10 Jun 24, 2023 JavaScript Basics JavaScript: Arrays
JavaScript: For Loop (part1)
JavaScript: For Loop (part2)
JavaScript: while and do-while loops
Source code Print Diamond
11 Jun 28, 2023 JavaScript Basics JavaScript: Objects
Call by value and Call by reference
Variable Scoping and Shadowing
Source code Fibonacci numbers
12 Jul 1, 2023 JavaScript Basics Default parameters and Destructuring
Destructuring assignment
Looping over Arrays
Looping over Objects
Handling Arrays
13 Jul 5, 2023 Revision Class No new topics Recursion
Fibonacci numbers using Recursion
Handling Objects
14 Jul 8, 2023 JavaScript Basics map, reduce, and filter methods
Array methods 1
Array methods 2
Array Operations
15 Jul 12, 2023 JavaScript Basics Array methods 3 Array.isArray()
Exploring Array Methods
Modern JavaScript Syntax
Array Operations 2
16 Jul 15, 2023 JavaScript Basics Array methods 4
Handling Objects
String methods 1
Array Operations 3
17 Jul 19, 2023 Revision Class No new topics Operations on objects
18 Jul 22, 2023 JavaScript Basics String methods 2
String Operations 1
19 Jul 26, 2023 Class cancelled Class cancelled
20 Jul 29, 2023 JavaScript Basics Regular expressions 1
String methods 3
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
String Operations 2
21 Aug 2, 2023 Class cancelled Class cancelled
22 Aug 5, 2023 JavaScript Basics Regular expressions 2
Regular expressions 3 (first 18 mins)
Regular expressions
23 Aug 9, 2023 Revision Class No new topics
24 Aug 12, 2023 Revision Class No new topics Shallow copy
Deep copy
Handling Objects 2
25 Aug 16, 2023 JavaScript Basics Shallow copy and Deep copy
setTimeout() and setInterval()
Upcoming class
* Required to be completed before coming to class

Recorded videos



Email: abhi@raj.me
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/abhishekme
GitHub: https://github.com/abraj
Course ID: 523
Last updated: Aug 4, 2023